치트 플러그인 CWCheat v0.1.7 Revision D가 발표되었습니다. [출처가기]
변경사항은 다음과 같습니다.
[ALL] fixed automaking of a code for found trough float search which used 3 in place to 2
[ALL] various optimizations to reduce file size in order to increase compatibility with other prx
[ALL] switched from -O2 to -Os which reduced size of ~15kb and didn't seem to do a noticeable change in speed
[GAME] rewritten the initialization code which reads the id from the disk. Now it waits for the disk to be mounted without using time hacks. This increased compatability with slow umd drives/damaged umds in 3.40 OE systems
[DB DOWNLOADER] updated to reflect the new server
[DB] The db was cleaned removing some bogus codes which had zeroes on them or blank spaces: so now the db included in cwcheat is being updated again with the one on the site in each release
[SITE] the site was moved on a faster host, the download section was fixed and now it's working again
[SITE] Added a wiki documentation which will be expanded in the future and user can add things to it (translations are also welcome)
[SITE] Added a bug tracked based on mantis. If you find a bug or something wrong with cwcheat or the site please file a bug report there. But report things correctly saying all the steps to reproduce it else they will be discarded
(변경사항 번역은 그다지 필요도 없을 것 같고, 제대로 번역할 자신도 없어 원문 그대로 올립니다. ㅡㅡ;)[ALL] various optimizations to reduce file size in order to increase compatibility with other prx
[ALL] switched from -O2 to -Os which reduced size of ~15kb and didn't seem to do a noticeable change in speed
[GAME] rewritten the initialization code which reads the id from the disk. Now it waits for the disk to be mounted without using time hacks. This increased compatability with slow umd drives/damaged umds in 3.40 OE systems
[DB DOWNLOADER] updated to reflect the new server
[DB] The db was cleaned removing some bogus codes which had zeroes on them or blank spaces: so now the db included in cwcheat is being updated again with the one on the site in each release
[SITE] the site was moved on a faster host, the download section was fixed and now it's working again
[SITE] Added a wiki documentation which will be expanded in the future and user can add things to it (translations are also welcome)
[SITE] Added a bug tracked based on mantis. If you find a bug or something wrong with cwcheat or the site please file a bug report there. But report things correctly saying all the steps to reproduce it else they will be discarded
* Download : CWCheat v0.1.7 Revision D
첨부파일의 압축을 풀면 여러가지 폴더와 파일들이 나오는데 커펌에서 플러그인으로 사용하려면 'MS_ROOT' 폴더안에 있는 'seplugins' 폴더만 기존 플러그인 설치와 동일하게 복사해주면 됩니다.
# 자세한 설치법과 사용법은 http://popotz.textcube.com/18 참고하세요.
# 커펌 3.30 OE와 커펌 3.40 OE에서만 사용하세요.
# 아~ 너무 성의가 없는 글...
하하.. 변경사항을 모르겠군요..^^;;